With a nickname "Warthog", it's quite clear the Fair child A-10 is not a pretty aircraft! However, beauty was not a part of the concept behind this formidable attack plane. Mounted in its nose is one of the deadliest weapons eber to cruise the skies. Called the GAU-8/A Avenger, it is a 30mm cannon capable of firing up to 70 rounds of heavy ammunition per second! With a muzzle velocity of 3/4 mile in one second, the shell is intended to penetrate even the strongest tank hull. The A-10, officially called the Thunderbolt II, was actually designed around the big cannon. The strange looking shape of the A-10 was a result of trying to provide as much protection for the pilot as possible. for example, the twin turbofan engines are mounted between the wings and stabilizers to protect them from debris and to shield the infrared signature of the exhaust from heat-sensing missiles. The pilot rides in an armored "bucket" and the plane is designed to return to base even though seriously damaged. Another means of survivability is the grat maneuverability of the A-10. It can turn quickly and sharply, even evading radardirected guns. At 172 mph the plane can turn within a tight 900 foot circle. At 650 mph it can turn within 1200 feet. A-10 are intended to operate in pairs, their first targets being anti aircraft weapons. For the planes carry AGM-65 Mavericks, a self guiding cissile which seeks out it targets. Then the big cannon is used to destroy any unfortunate armor in the area. The A-10 carry up to eight tons of weapons on eight wing and three fuselage pylons. Fully loadedm the Thunderbolt II has a maximum speed of 423 mph. It is a large plane, with a wingspan of 57 feet 6 inches and is powered with a pair of General Electric TF34 engines producing 9,065 lbs thrust each.

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